Big Man Wamkulu

Her exes are calling her too much

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I come knocking on your door for I am lost. Please help me, ndagwira mwendo.

I am just a little over thirty and I am really tired with the question: Mukwatira liti?

Get me right, it’s not like I am trying to please anybody by making the decision to get married not so long from now, but then I just have to do what a man must do.

I have this very beautiful fiancée. We get along pretty well and we are really an item if you know what I mean.

But, the problem is that she gets so many calls from her ex-boyfriends even in my presence. She seems to be so entertaining to them.

Should I drop her?



You know, in times of Tropical Cyclone Freddy, you must be really mad why the roads are all so muddy! Kufunsa chinyezi m’bafa ukuku won’t help you.

Run, my brother, run.

Having too many exes shows you where she is coming from. But, that is not the big problem because we all have a past and we change. By entertaining the former boyfriends, even in your presence means just one thing: She is not done with them. Neither

 are they done with her. be careful.

It all reminds me what my grandmother used to tell me: nene, chibwenzi sichimatha.

I have seen better days, William, and worse days. I had a friend who used to give a leeway to a girl who carried her past problems on her new boyfriend.

She told every one of her debtors that her new boyfriend would service all her debts. Analanditsa katundu. Please, take note that the past should be the past if you are going into the future together.

Let her go. She is just like Lot’s wife, looking back at the inferno there at Soddom and Gomorrah. Let her turn into a pillar of salt. n

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